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Termites Pest Control

Termites are social insects that live in large colonies. They share similarities with ants, but are not closely related. Their primary diet consists of cellulose, which they obtain from wood, leaf litter, and other plant materials. They can cause significant damage to homes and other structures, leading to costly repairs. A nuisance that can be difficult to control.

types of termites

  • Subterranean termites: These are the most common type of termite and are responsible for the majority of damage to homes. They live underground and build mud tubes to travel above ground to access food sources.
  • Drywood termites: These termites live inside wood and don’t require direct contact with soil. They can be more difficult to detect than subterranean termites.
  • Dampwood termites: These termites prefer moist wood and are typically found in areas with high humidity.

In Texas, the most common type of termite is the Formosan subterranean termite. This species is also considered the most destructive due to its aggressive nature and large colony size. Here’s why:

Why Formosan Subterranean Termites Dominate Texas:

  • Adaptability: These termites thrive in various environments, from dry conditions to damp areas.
  • Large colony size: Colonies can reach several million individuals, leading to rapid wood consumption.
  • Aggressive foraging: They can travel long distances underground to find food sources, making them difficult to detect and control.
  • High reproductive rate: Queens can lay thousands of eggs daily, further expanding the colony and increasing potential damage.

signs of termites

If you are not sure your home or office has been invaded by termites, here are a couple of signs you should look out for

  1. Structural Red Flags: Sagging floors, roofs, or broken door frames may signal termite trouble.
    Note: Wood rot can mimic these issues, so a thorough inspection is vital.
  2. Mud Tubes: The Secret Termite Highways
    Termites craft mud tubes, visible pathways for their travel between nests and food sources.
    Detecting these tubes early aids in prompt intervention.
  3. Flying Termites’ discarded wings:
    Discarded wings are a telltale sign of termite problems.
    Swarmers shed wings after taking flight, signifying an active infestation.
    4. Damages
    Bubbling paint, papery timber sounds, and visible wood damage indicate termite activity. Some of these damages may make doors and windows difficult to open.
    This difficulty could stem from structural compromise within.

do termites bite?

Termites don’t bite humans. Cases of termite bites on humans are exceptionally rare and health risks are minimal. Soldier termites, however, do bite if provoked and this may result in small red bumps.
Allergic reactions may cause swelling, itching, and raised skin.

Termite bites are generally harmless, and pinches are exceptionally rare. But they still remain unwelcome because of the level of damage they cause.

how to prevent termites

To prevent termites, you can take several measures, including chemical treatments, physical barriers, and regular inspections. Here are some recommendations:

  • Chemical treatments: Fipronil, also known as Termidor, is a popular termiticide that can be applied to the soil around the perimeter of your home or injected under the slab to create a barrier that repels termites. This treatment should be done by a professional pest control company.
  • Physical barriers: Create a physical barrier around the perimeter of your home using materials like aluminum foil or steel mesh. This can help prevent termites from entering your property.
  • Regular inspections: Have your home inspected for termite activity every year or two, especially if you live in a termite-prone area. Early detection and treatment can help prevent costly repairs and damage to your home.
  • Avoid stacking materials: Do not stack items like firewood, cardboard, or newspapers against the walls of your home, as this can provide a hiding place for termites.
  • Tenting: In severe cases, consider having your entire home tented to eliminate termites. This is a more expensive option but can be effective in controlling termite populations.
  • DIY treatments: You can use organic products like Orange Guard, which is safe for indoor use around pets and can help kill and prevent termites. Apply this product to the inside and outside of your home to create a barrier that repels termites.


Remember that no method is foolproof, and it’s essential to combine multiple strategies to effectively prevent termites. Regular inspections and timely pest control treatments are crucial to maintaining a termite-free home. Call us now and let’s save you the trouble, our professional service is second to none.

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